FAE | 04.06.2018 · Ile-de-France: 5 years after the thesis, almost half of doctors are no longer in public research
MYSCIENCEWORK | 30.05.2018 · PhD…what's next?
CAPITAL | 09.10.2017 · Why you should consider recruiting doctoral students in companies
THE WORLD | 07.03.2017 · Doctorate and PhD, sure values internationally
THE WORLD | 24.10.2016 · Employment: in Ile-de-France, graduates with a doctorate are doing well
FAE | 21.10.2016 · Three years after the thesis, 80% of doctors in the Ile-de-France region are satisfied with their professional situation
EDUCPROS | 21.10.2016 · Integration: more doctors on permanent contracts, three years after their diploma
eFINANCIALCAREERS| 21.10.2016 · The doctorate, a "must" for a career in finance?
THE ECHOES START | 30.11.2015 · The promising future of French PhD students
HUFFINGTON POST | 05.11.2015 · PHD Talent, the fair to fight against unemployment among young doctoral students
THE WORLD | 16.10.2015 · 79% of doctors in the Paris region find work the year after their thesis
EDUCPROS | 16.10.2015 · Doctors looking for corporate jobs
THE WORLD | 14.10.2015 · Doctoral students are not popular in large companies
NATURE | 29.01.2015 · Pick a path - Where to go to get advice on finding a job
THE NEW FACTORY | 21.11.2013 · Get your career off to a good start
THE NEW FACTORY | 13.10.2011 · Salaries: the university is on the heels of the schools
RESEARCHERS, MANAGERS OF TOMORROW | 26.01.2011 · What if today's researchers were tomorrow's leaders?
RESEARCHERS, MANAGERS OF TOMORROW | 26.01.2011 What if the researchers of today were the business leaders of tomorrow?
FAE | 06.04.2010 · CPU symposium: university presidents ask for the recognition of the doctorate by collective agreements
THE WORLD | 06.03.2010 · The bosses' factory
RELEASE | 04.09.2009 · Medef: a sparse decline
Career Management
Career management: to support the construction or redefinition of the professional project, the identification of skills, the mastery of job search tools and the market, the optimization of one's application and the realization of a creation project of business.
Career Management
Career management: to support the construction or redefinition of the professional project, the identification of skills, the mastery of job search tools and the market, the optimization of one's application and the realization of a creation project of business.
and Deeptech
A 360° offer for Deeptech
For 16 years, Adoc Talent Management has been working to support PhDs in their transition from the laboratory to business, the HR development of start-ups and the human and team issues at the heart of the entrepreneurial process.
Our vocation being to promote the talents of PhD holders and their ability to create value, we have long been involved in the ecosystem of entrepreneurship and innovation by doctors. We also see it as a form of rewarding career pursuit for young researchers, but one that few think about.
We provide training and coaching for entrepreneurial researchers via doctoral colleges, incubators, PEPITES and large national and European support programs.
We are capable of supporting the emergence of deeptech startups from the laboratories from the first stages, but also on all the HR challenges of young startups and unicorns:
Support for the transition from researcher to entrepreneur, reassurance in the skills to be transferred from research to entrepreneurship
Distribution of roles within the co-founding team, alignment on mission and vision
Constitution of teams, definition of skills to be combined to successfully complete the project and target organization charts at the different milestones
Support on the establishment of corporate culture and structuring, attractiveness factors and candidate value proposition
Recruitment of co-founders, C-level and operational teams
Some references
i-PhD support programs
One-year support program for i-PhD graduates of the 2021, 2022 and 2023 classes
→ Operated with Deeptech Founders on behalf of bpifrance and France 2030
Supported deeptech projects
Entrepreneurial training for young researchers
Co-hosting Doctor Entrepreneur seminars for the Pépite Centre-Val de Loire and Pépite Clermont Auvergne,
Animation of training via the doctoral colleges of CY Cergy Paris Université, Université Paris Cité, and other universities,
Organization of intensive Doc2Business Entrepreneurial Challenges since 2014 for Young Researchers who support start-ups on business issues for 5 to 7 days, and produce a deliverable evaluated by a jury.
→ Learning EXpedition (LEX) type format including keynote readings , inspiring testimonials, mentoring and coaching
→ Different editions organized with Paris-Cité University, Lille University, Objectif Recherche...
Co-ordination of support programs for project leaders in different incubators (group training and coaching)
Support on the management of the entrepreneurial project and the transition from researcher to entrepreneur mindset, the ideal co-founder and the team, etc.
PEPITE Deeptech program (over 4 months) from the Initium incubator of the University of Montpellier and coaching for their Challenge Day
My start'up program at Sorbonne University (over 6 months)
Descartes incubator support program
EIC Tech to Market Entrepreneurship Program
> 90%
European program to support researchers winning the EIC Pathfinder and the EIC Transition to move from the laboratory to the market
→ Operated within a consortium of 9 European structures, including Adoc Talent Management on human and team issues, on behalf of the European Commission (European Innovation Council)
→ Intervention in collective training, bootcamps, coaching sessions aimed at maturing projects.
supported projects
per year since
December 2022